Language is the organization of sounds or symbols that are used to communicate thoughts or feelings.
Language consists of content, form, and use.
How we say something refers to our form.
What we say refers to the content of our language.
Why we say something refers to our use of language.
Receptive language refers to the skills involved in understanding language.
Expressive language refers to the skills of being precise, complete and clear when expressing thoughts
and feelings, answering questions, relating events, and carrying on a conversation.
What is Language?
Language can be revealed in different ways such as
Delayed language development. Language is not developing within normal expectations
Limited skills in understanding spoken language
Poor listening skills
Limited understanding of word meanings and meanings in general
Limited expressive language skills
Difficulties conceptualizing and formulating ideas about events, objects, and relations, primarily in the
area of semantics
Difficulties learning linguistic form, particularly phonologic, morphologic, and syntactic rules
Limited use or lack of use of morphologic elements of language
Limited use of sentence structures (limited syntactic performance)
Inability to adapt language according to different speakers or events, or an inability to use language
for a wide variety of functions. These are pragmatic disorders
Difficulties integrating form, content, and use of language
Deficient use of language that has been learned
Limited skills in narrating experiences
Limited conversational skills
Academic difficulties (reading and writing)